The Vickie Newton Fund


The Vickie Newton Fund was established to assist individuals with funds for High School

Equivalency test fees, citizenship interview fees, and books and other literacy materials.

It is made possible through contributions of individuals, businesses, and other

organizations who want to support adults in the St. Louis metropolitan area in obtaining

their education goals.


Literacy Roundtable member organizations may recommend an individual for funding
for one of the purposes mentioned above. Applications are reviewed and approved
at the monthly Literacy Roundtable meeting.

Funding Limits

Grants are awarded as follows:

  • Citizenship Interview: $300 with statement that remaining funds for interview have been secured.

  • GED: $144 (Illinois) for all four GED tests.

  • HiSET: $98.75 (Missouri) or $90 (Illinois) for registration fees and five tests.

  • Grants for books and other literacy materials are considered on an individual basis.